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How to Use BI & Data Analysis to Create Efficient Business Processes

How to Use BI & Data Analysis to Create Efficient Business Processes

Optimize Your Organization’s Internal Processes with Business Intelligence

The amount of data generated every day is astounding. The data your organization generates and stores is just a fraction of that, but it can still be overwhelming to transform it into meaningful and actionable insight. 

Business intelligence (BI) is a broad term for processes and solutions that help you find meaningful information in data and use it to make better business decisions. BI is more than a dashboard that shows you graphs and charts—it helps you compare historical and real-time data for an accurate picture of what’s happening throughout your organization. It enables you to optimize your processes and workflows and identify problems that may hinder your competitive advantage.  

Data analysis often incorporates BI and offers insight that helps you predict outcomes based on various business inputs and trends.  Data analytics has four basic categories: 

  • Descriptive analytics – Provides an objective, fact-based description of what has happened in the past. 
  • Diagnostic analytics – Focuses on what happened in the past and aims to understand why. 
  • Predictive analytics – Uses past data to forecast trends and predict what might occur in the future. 
  • Prescriptive analytics – Aims to provide actionable steps towards a chosen goal and determines what actions must be taken. 

Developing data-driven business strategies requires good data that enables you to evaluate existing processes, streamline workflows with automation, and improve organizational agility.  

Leveraging BI and data analysis for greater efficiencies in your business processes is more attainable than ever. You have access to applications that help you create a goal-oriented culture and use reporting and analysis to significantly enhance your internal processes.  

Empower your employees to make well-informed decisions 

ProcessX is a fully validated GxP process automation platform built on ServiceNow, which gives you access to native analytics tools for your data. You’ll have the tools you need to monitor your business performance to anticipate trends; increase efficiency by identifying and maximizing your automation opportunities; and analyze, compare, and track your progress toward your business goals. Extend your core ServiceNow platform for regulated processes to help improve processes times, the quality of data capture, and adherence to regulatory compliance.

Customers in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries want to accelerate their time to market while adhering to strict regulations. For more than 20 years, USDM Life Sciences has provided the solutions they need for success. 

Contact USDM to learn how ProcessX will help you to: 

  • Save money and time with automation. 
  • Improve performance with real-time data access. 
  • Shorten the distance between data capture and actionable insights.
  • Reduce risk with built-in risk assessment tools.
  • Maintain non-GxP and GxP processes and data in one platform. 
  • Eliminate the need for wet signatures via 21 CFR Part 11 eSignatures and audit trails. 
  • Automate and maintain validation and testing with a USDM Cloud Assurance subscription. 


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