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Missing Pages Report: Improving a Key Metric for the Health of a Study

Missing Pages Report: Improving a Key Metric for the Health of a Study


Customer Problem

The customer’s Clinical Operations team needed a precise Missing Pages report to help the study team guide the activities of their contract research organization (CRO), clinical research associates (CRAs), and site staff. They needed to know what pages were truly missing or whether a visit didn’t happen at all (missing visit).

USDM Solution

To address missing visits being wrongly counted as data that needs to be entered into the EDC, USDM used artificial intelligence (AI) to examine the dataset and infer if visits had occurred or not. For example, if several planned visits had missing pages, but earlier data indicated the patient had stopped treatment, pages for later planned visits were not counted as missing.

Business Outcomes

The customer is aware of actual visits, visits that did not occur, and which pages are truly missing. The comprehensive and accurate Missing Pages report provides critical information to the study team and eliminates miscommunications and frustrations. The database can be locked for review more quickly and allows the customer to make better decisions faster.

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